
PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers are needed to join the Committee (approx. 1 hour per month) on 2nd Monday of the Month at the Carlton Club or via Zoom. Attendance fees are paid at the AGM for every meeting attended during the year.

Hon. Secretary
Gary Curtis
Mobile: 07925 988835

Graham Simper

Vice – Chairman
John Wyatt
Mobile: 07890 778848

Hon. Treasurer
Tony Hansford
Mobile: 07919 353447

Chris Hardyman
Mobile: 07905 879810

Press Secretary
Minutes & Trophies Secretary’s
Steve Toms
Mobile 07704 726441

Competitions Secretary
Peter Gorvin
Mobile: 07432 091829

Ian Pledge 

Handicap Panel
Chris Hardyman
Steve Toms
John Wyatt
Trevor Sanders

Assistant Secretary
Trevor Sanders
Mobile: 07368 484343

Competitions Secretary
Ioan Moon
Tel: 07501 386289