Portsmouth & District Billiards & Snooker Association

CONSTITUTION AND RULES – updated August 2023

1. The name of the association shall be the “Portsmouth & District Billiards & Snooker Association”, known hereinafter as “the Association”.

2. The aim of the Association shall be to organise and promote Billiards and Snooker in Portsmouth and the surrounding district.

3. Member Clubs shall be those that have team entries accepted into league competitions organised by the Association.

4. Individual Members under the age of 12 MUST be accepted by the Executive Committee before they can play.

5. The business of the Association shall be carried out by an Executive Committee consisting of the following: – a President, a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Results Secretary, an Honorary Competitions Secretary, an Honorary Minutes & Trophies Secretary and, ideally, at least eight ordinary members. Proprietors and professional promoters shall not be eligible to serve. A President or Life President may attend any meeting of the Executive Committee, or any sub-committee, as a voting member.

6. The Executive Committee shall control the activities of the Association, such as selecting representative teams, handicapping, compiling leagues, organising competitions, settling disputes, etc. and shall be empowered to ban or fine individuals or clubs who are in contravention of these Rules. Its members shall also decide any matter not covered by Rule.

7. The Executive Committee will be elected annually at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). A Life Presidency may be conferred at an AGM upon any past or current President. Nominations as appropriate must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary at least 28 days before the AGM. Honorariums shall be decided at the AGM by an across-the-board percentage decided by the members present after consideration of any recommendation made by the incumbent committee.

8. The Executive Committee shall meet at least monthly at the place designated as the headquarters of the Association, or at some other suitable place if necessary or virtually as agreed. Five members, excluding the Honorary Secretary, shall constitute a quorum at such meetings. If any Committee member be absent for three consecutive meetings, the Executive shall decide on the continued membership of that member and in the event of the loss of an Executive Committee member, an ordinary member may be co-opted in his/her place until the next AGM if the required number of Committee members falls below the eight required by Rule 5 above.

9. An AGM shall be held on a date in May determined by the Executive Committee, and promulgated at least 42 days beforehand. Motions for debate must be in writing and in the hands of the Honorary Secretary by 28 days before the meeting. Such motions must show the names of the proposer and seconder together with the club/s to which they belong, and either the proposer or the seconder must attend the AGM to support the proposal.

10. A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called by the Executive Committee without prior consultation with the members, or it must be called by the Committee as the result of a request from the members, provided that such request carries the signatures of at least eight members from at least four clubs of independent proprietorship. Such SGM shall have the power to change Rules or elected Executive Committee members, provided notice of intent is properly stated and promulgated.

11. At all meetings the Chairman or acting chairman shall have the casting vote only. All other members including the Honorary Secretary shall each have one vote?

12. The Honorary Secretary shall ensure that the names of all eligible members proposed for membership of the Executive Committee, together with motions for debate at a General Meeting, are promulgated to all member Clubs as soon as possible to allow for such information to be discussed by members before the announced Meeting.

13. The Executive Committee shall submit audited Annual Accounts and an Annual Report to the AGM, together with a record of attendance of the members of the Executive Committee at their meetings.

14. The Honorary Treasurer shall send a Statements of Account (invoice) to each team captain or representative separately at the end of each playing season (Snooker, Billiards and Summer Snooker). Captains will be responsible for the collection of fees and fines, and the payment of these to the Honorary Treasurer within five weeks of receipt of the invoice. In the event of a Club closing, unpaid fees for teams from that Club shall become due from members of those teams, pro rata to their participation.

Consequences of Late Payment
Teams or players who do not settle accounts within five weeks will be charged a fine determined by the Executive Committee. That team maybe required to additionally pay 100% of all match fees in advance with their registration fees for any subsequent season.


15. All games of Billiards and Snooker shall be played under the Rules of the International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF), as published by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association (WPBSA). The Honorary Secretary will notify any changes in the playing rules to Clubs when appropriate. In all team matches, the set of balls used at the beginning of the match shall be used throughout the match, excepting only as provided for in Section 1, Rule 2 of the IBSF/WPBSA Rules.

16. All games must be refereed by a registered player, Life Member or a current member of the local referees’ association. Table lighting must be of an acceptable standard, subject to veto by qualified personnel.

17. Players in leagues and competitions under the auspices of the Association must be registered, unless specifically invited to take part by the Executive Committee.

18. The trophies held by the Association shall normally be competed for annually by the member clubs, teams, pairs or individuals. Prize money, entry fees, registration fees, transfer fees and match fees are to be determined by the Executive Committee as and when required. Players wishing to enter any of the competitions must pay the relevant fee (if required) before the competitions start. If any player doesn’t pay the fee then they will be omitted from that specific competition(s). Match fees will charged at an amount set by the executive committee.


19. Applications to register a team must be carried out on line via the Association Website. Captains must nominate a Vice Captain with contact number. At least 7 players must be listed ‘AN Other’ will not be accepted.

The Flat Fee for registering a team will be set by the Executive Committee. The Flat fee will be reduced by £5 per any Life Member listed on the team registration form.
Captains can subsequently register additional players throughout the season without any further fees. Further player registrations must be requested via the Hon Secretary for agreement.

Payment of Registration Fees
Captains are responsible for ensuring fees are paid on time.
If a Team Registration fee is not paid before the commencement of the season then that team will incur a fine of £15 per week up to a maximum of £45. After three weeks and if the fees plus fines have not been paid then that team maybe suspended.

20. Later registrations not included with the original list must have the provisional approval of the Honorary Secretary before they become eligible to play and such registrations will be approved or otherwise at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. No handicap can be altered on the night.

21. The Honorary Secretary shall have the right to refuse the registration of any player without giving a reason, but such refusal must be brought to the attention of the Executive Committee at its next meeting, when it shall be empowered to endorse or reverse the Honorary Secretary’s decision.

22. Regular members of teams winning promotion from Divisions 2 and below must play in a higher division the following similar season (i.e. the following year) and regular members of teams placed first (or second in a winter season) in Division 1 cannot play in a lower division the following similar season, unless in either case prior permission be obtained from the Executive Committee for one or more individuals. To allow control of teams and players who apply for a lower division than the previous year, other than when normally relegated, all such registrations are subject to approval by a full meeting of the Executive Committee. Any such teams that cannot play in a higher league the following season and then win or come runners-up in that league will NOT receive any prize money. The teams (not including such teams who have stayed in the league from previous season) who finish in the next best-placed positions will receive the prize money.

23. A player may not play in a division after playing twice in higher divisions that season, unless prior permission has been obtained from the Executive Committee.

24. Where a Club has more than one team in the same division, a player is not eligible to play in more than one of those teams, except that he/she may be permanently transferred from one team to another with the prior permission of the Executive Committee.

25. A player may not play league matches including the Peter Rook League for more than one team in any one week; offenders will be suspended for a period of six weeks.

26. Transfers during a season will only be allowed with the permission of the Executive Committee.

27. League trophies shall be competed for by teams of six players. The method of determining match results shall be: –

Billiards – one point for each game won and one point for the highest, or equal highest, aggregate score. If the aggregate score is tied then each team will get an additional half point making the overall match result 3.5 – 3.5.

Snooker – one point for each frame won.

27a. Teams playing less than six players in a match in either game shall count only the points actually scored, the opponents (providing their corresponding player is present) taking the maximum points to nil against each absentee. An absentee in the summer snooker league shall forfeit both frames in which he/she is scheduled to play. In any frame or game not contested “walkover” or “W/O” must be inserted on the result card against the absentee’s name, though the opposing player’s name must appear if he/she is present. Where more than two players are absent the result of ALL uncontested games will be determined by the Executive Committee and the points column should only contain results of games actually played.

27b. In all league matches a team may play a player twice if short of players. Teams are encouraged to adopt this rule to avoid cancelling/postponing matches. This option is available up to 8:45pm on the night at which time the opposing captain has the choice of selecting one of the first four players to play again to replace the missing player.

Winter Snooker League and Peter Rook Cup – The 5 Player Rule can be used up to 4 times.

Summer Snooker League – The 5 Player Rule can be used up to 4 times. If a player is chosen to play twice in the singles, that player CANNOT play twice in the doubles i.e. A player can only play a maximum of 3 times.

Billiards Season – The 5 Player Rule can be used up to 3 times.

28. In league billiards matches where a player does not wipe off his/her handicap, his/her score will be counted as nil, but the actual score must be entered in brackets for the Result Secretary’s information (and will be taken into consideration when establishing any changes in handicaps). As an example, “(-26)” would show a player was 26 points short of clearing his/her handicap, while being counted as zero towards the aggregate.

29. At least four players from each team are to be present at 7.30 p.m. Captains of home teams are asked to ensure that tables are brushed and ironed beforehand so that a prompt start may be made. If a match has not started by 7.45 p.m. this fact should be noted on the result card and the reason stated. The captain of the team responsible for the late start is invited to put his reasons in writing to the Honorary Secretary or Results Secretary so that the Executive Committee may make a decision based on the relevant facts at its next meeting. The penalties for a late start may be up to a maximum of four points deducted and a minimum fine of £10.00 if no defence is offered.

30. Pairings (who plays whom) are decided by draw in all league games. Team captains MUST NOT determine their playing pairings from the outset. Team captains are empowered to change the pairings by mutual consent in order to allow for a player wishing to leave early or arrive after the start of the match. No other alteration may be made except for the inclusion of a reserve, whose name must be included by 9pm-at which time all players who have not started their games must be present or be automatically disqualified.

31. Result cards must be filled in correctly and completely, showing individual handicaps if appropriate, and all breaks of 30 or over, as well as the result of each game and the match. The result sheet/card must be signed by both captains and uploaded to the League’s Whattsapp Results Group immediately after the match has ended. This is the only method available to Captain’s or representatives to submit a match result. In the event of any issues (technical or otherwise) team captains must telephone details of winners and breaks directly to the Results Secretary on (07784 008500).

Home teams may be penalised one point for any detail missing from the result sheet/card (name, handicap, score, team name, etc.) and will be so penalised 3 points in snooker seasons and 1 point in billiards season for any result sheet/card not received within 24 hours from the date of the match. If a result sheet/card is not posted on the League Results Group within the stipulated time, then a fine £10 will be given to the home team responsible for the Result sheet/card. Team captains are responsible for using only eligible players, infringements of this Rule being dealt with the Executive Committee. Teams must keep records for the entire season in order to document details from any missing or disputed result sheets.

32. The result sheet/card is either to be completed in order in which the matches are played or “marked up” so that the order of matches can be seen.

33. In the event of a dispute, a team captain who does not feel justified in signing a result sheet/card as a true record should sign, writing “under protest”, and make his complaint to the Honorary Secretary or Results Secretary within 7 days so that the Executive Committee may adjudicate on the matter. If an investigation is to be carried out which may possibly lead to disciplinary action, then a representative of all interested parties is to be invited to attend.

34. In the event of a league match not being played by the date of the fixture, the team responsible for the cancellation for any reason may have three points deducted (from their current total) unless one week or longer notice was given to the opposing team and notified to the Results Secretary or the Honorary Secretary (or other Committee Officer by proxy) with a view to playing the match BEFORE the scheduled date. In the case of a Peter Rook Cup match, the team responsible for the cancellation may have two points deducted. When ONE week’s notice has been given and the match has not been played by the scheduled date, the Executive Committee shall award a ‘panel result’ based on average results of the teams involved and probability. In other cases, the Results Secretary or the Honorary Secretary must be informed, the three points will be deducted and the match must be rearranged within two weeks for a later date. If less than 24 hours notice of cancellation is given, or if neither Secretary is informed, the Executive Committee at its discretion may impose a fine. If a new date cannot be agreed, the Executive Committee shall set a date binding on both teams at its next meeting and this Rule shall apply equally to the date so set. If a postponed league match has not been played by the Saturday two days after the end of season fixtures, a fine of £5 per registered player (minimum £40) will be imposed upon the team at fault for each unplayed fixture, unless the postponement was caused by exceptional circumstances outside the control of the team.’  To  ‘If a postponed league match has not been played by the Saturday two days after the end of season fixtures, a fixed fine will be charged determined by the executive committee.

If a match should be interrupted by unusual circumstances such that it cannot be completed on the night, the captains shall take note of the completed games/frames played and arrange a date as above for the completion of the match from the point reached, any unfinished snooker frame or billiards game being restarted. The pairings for the match shall remain the same but an eligible substitute player may be used in any game (not frame) not started.

Teams must be prepared to play scheduled home matches on the day designated for their division in accordance with the published fixtures. Changes may only be made by mutual agreement between both captains.

35. No league fixtures may be played after the end of the season unless circumstances cause the Executive Committee to make an exception. Fixtures not played by the end of season may attract fines against both teams at the discretion of the Executive Committee, which is empowered to award points if appropriate, or deduct up to four points in addition to any fine or other penalty imposed against either, or both, of the two teams.

36. A team that withdraws from a league after the start of the season shall be fined a minimum of £25.00 plus all registration fees etc., which shall immediately become due, and all results involving that team shall be expunged. A team withdrawing within one week before the start of the season shall be liable to a fine of £10.00 but all other fees will be waived; the fine shall be immediately due.

37. Any player guilty of ungentlemanly conduct at any time under the scope of these Rules should be reported in writing to the Executive Committee, which will take appropriate action. Players are not to wear earphones whilst playing a match

38. BILLIARDS. League games will be 200-up in all Divisions, and each player will be given a point’s handicap. Players will commence each match according to their handicap.

e.g. Player A Handicap is PLUS 50 and Player B Handicap is MINUS 25. Player A will start the match with 50 points on the scoreboard. Player B will need to score 25 points before his/her score is reset to Zero (0). In this example Player A has to score 150 points to win and Player B needs to score 225 points to win.
Handicaps will be reviewed at the half-way stage of the season with any revised handicaps notified to members.

The bottom team in each division except the last will normally be relegated and the top team in each division except the first will be promoted. A tie for any promotion or relegation place will be determined by a head to head system between the teams concerned, using 3 elements in the following order, (1) points or frames won, 2) head to head between teams tied (3) number of matches won

39. SNOOKER. League games will be over two frames in the winter season, with a total of twelve frames determining the match result, and all frames played off scratch.

Summer league matches will comprise six one-frame games, followed by three doubles frames, not necessarily using the same six players, for a total of nine frames, with all frames played off scratch.

Two teams will be promoted from each division except the first in the winter league, with two teams normally (but not always) being relegated from each division except the last.

Teams winning divisions other than the first in the summer league will be promoted and teams finishing last in divisions other than the last will normally be relegated.

A tie for any promotion or relegation place will be determined between the teams concerned using 3 elements in the following order, (1) points or frames won, 2) head to head between teams tied (3) number of matches won

In the Winter League including the Peter Rook Cup and the Summer League, a team may play one player twice if they are short of players on the night. Please see Rule 27b for details.


40. The Executive Committee, through the Competitions Secretary, shall be wholly responsible for setting dates and venues for all competitions. If any competition that the Executive Committee through the Competitions Secretary has organised has less than eight individuals or pairs, then the competition will be cancelled by the Executive Committee, any entry fees for that competition will be refunded. The Competitions Secretary will promulgate draws for successive rounds. If either party is unable to play on the stipulated date, he/she (or the team captain) should contact the opponent (or opposing captain) with a view to arranging a mutually convenient date BEFOREHAND. If agreement cannot be reached, the Competitions Secretary must be informed and his decision will be binding, subject to appeal to the Executive Committee. If any player, pair or team fails to turn up for 2 or more scheduled and promulgated cup games, an automatic ban will be applied for that competition the following year; an absent team will be additionally liable for match fees with respect to BOTH teams involved in the cup tie. In team matches, start times and late arrivals must comply with the same conditions as in league play (see Rules 29 and 30 above). Prize money will only be given to players if the player(s) turn up and play. Non-attendance will result in no money to be given.

41. The finals of individual and pairs competitions will take place on a day or days announced by the Executive Committee at a venue or venues chosen by the sponsor of the competition, or by the Executive Committee. Referees will be appointed to officiate at these events and will be paid expense fees by the Association through the local referees’ association. EASB Rules on dress standards apply in all finals, including team matches. Requirements are, in short, a shirt with collar and sleeves, polo shirt with collar and sleeves, smart trousers and shoes. Jeans (any colour), corduroys, tracksuits, jogging bottoms, trainers (any colour), tee shirts, sandals (any colour) or plimsolls are NOT permitted. If any player(s) does not turn up in the correct dress code then they will NOT play in that competition.

All rounds in all competitions (including team knockout) including Semi-finals to be played at the home players club and only the final to be played at a neutral venue. In the Semi-finals, the home team will be responsible for refereeing. The finals will be staged at venues decided by the sponsor, or the Executive Committee. Referees will be appointed only for the finals of team competitions, and will be paid expenses by the Association, through the local referees’ association.


43. Individual scratch competitions will be seeded. Individual and unchanged pairs champions, both scratch and handicap will be exempt from entry fees the following year. For all Scratch Singles in Snooker and Billiards that two seeds to be nominated and for the draw to be made right through to the final. Each match will be drawn to determine who is home and away players.

44. The names of winning teams, pairs and individuals shall be engraved on trophies at the cost and direction of the Association and the trophies shall be presented at the venues of singles and pairs competition finals, or at a suitable venue in the case of league and team competitions after end of season accounts have been settled. All trophies, after presentation, must remain at the premises of the winners’ club until collection by the Trophies Secretary or his deputy for the following year, unless special dispensation is given by the Trophies Secretary in certain cases. Trophies must be maintained in a clean and serviceable state; clubs or individuals will be invoiced if any trophy has to be cleaned or repaired professionally. All trophies held by the Association are perpetual and cannot be won outright but, if any trophy be won by the same person/s for three successive years, a miniature replica shall be awarded to the winning person/s. Individual snooker competition winners will receive a memento in the form of a trophy selected by the Executive Committee.

45. If a player fails to play ONE competition match without informing his/her opponent, then that player may be disqualified from entering the same competition(s) the following season.


46. TEAM HANDICAP KNOCKOUT. Playing format is the same as for league play to 200-up but no points are ‘won’ by individual games – only aggregate points decide the winning team. In the event that the aggregate points are level after the six games, the winners shall be the team that won most individual games or, if a tie persists, a player from each team will be drawn by lot and they will contest a 50-up game using quarter of the handicaps, rounded up if a half-point results. The team whose player wins the play-off will be the winners. A result sheet/card must be completed and posted on the League Results Group for each match in this competition. It is essential that all details including handicaps be entered.

47. INDIVIDUAL SCRATCH CHAMPIONSHIP. All matches are played off scratch with early rounds decided by games of 350-up, semi-finals 500-up and final 600-up. The Executive Committee will decide seeding. For all Scratch Singles in Snooker and Billiards that two seeds to be nominated and for the draw to be made right through to the final. Each match will be drawn to determine who is home and away players.

48. INDIVIDUAL HANDICAP CHAMPIONSHIP. All matches are played off each player’s handicap and then to 200-up. See Rule 38 for details.


49. TEAM HANDICAP KNOCKOUT. Playing format is six two-frame games. The scoring system is 4 points for a win (7-5) etc, 2 points for a draw (6-6) and 1 for a loss (5-7) etc. The winner of each of the leagues will have a home tie in the Quarter Finals. A draw must be done to determine who plays whom. In the QUARTER FINALS, SEMI FINALS & FINAL, in the event in these game with the frame scores being level at the end of 12 frames the captains shall pick one of the players to play the deciding frame. A result card must be completed and posted for each match in this competition. It is essential that all details including handicaps be entered on these cards. In the event of a tie between teams to determine placings, then a head to head system will be enforced, this system consists of 3 factors firstly frames won (2) head to head record an (3) win record.

50. INDIVIDUAL SCRATCH CHAMPIONSHIP. All matches are played off scratch with early rounds and semi-finals decided by best of five frames, and final best of seven frames. The Executive Committee will decide seeding. For all Scratch Singles in Snooker and Billiards that two seeds to be nominated and for the draw to be made right through to the final. Each match will be drawn to determine who is home and away players.

51. INDIVIDUAL HANDICAP CHAMPIONSHIP. All matches are played off handicap with all rounds decided by the best of five frames including the semi-finals and the final.


53. SCRATCH PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP. Any two registered players (not necessarily from the same Club) may enter as a pair. A substitute player will be allowed up to the scheduled time of the pair’s first match, provided that neither player has already played in the competition that season. All matches are played off scratch with all rounds decided by best of five frames.

54. HANDICAP PAIRS CHAMPIONSHIP. Any two registered players (not necessarily from the same Club) may enter as a pair. A substitute player will be allowed up to the scheduled time of the pair’s first match, provided that neither player has already played in the competition that season. All rounds including semi-finals and final are decided by best of 5. Handicaps are decided by an average of the two playing partners then rounded up to nearest one.
For example…
Player A handicap 65
Player B handicap 70
A+B = 135 divided by 2 = 67.5 = 68 when rounded up.

55. Any one-day events such Over-50’s decided upon by the Executive Committee may be held during the year. The playing rules for these events are promulgated separately on the relevant entry forms and these Rules, where not conflicting with those specified at the time, shall prevail.


56. Handicaps between -150 to +100 shall be published by the Honorary Secretary for billiards league and competition games, and between Scratch and -100 in the winter handicap snooker competitions. A member who is registered as a Professional Player shall incur an additional handicap determined by the Committee.
For all Snooker competitions (team,individual & pairs), the maximum difference a player may give is 50.
e.g) Player A – Handicap 100. Player B – Handicap 45. Difference of 55 limited to 50 maximum.

Adjustments to billiards handicaps made before the start of the season, and at mid-season where appropriate, shall be calculated by computer program, based upon the average difference between league scores for and against each player, since the previous assessment of that player, and taking into account the number of games played. The resulting figure will be within the limits specified above in this Rule. The base scratch level will not be changed at mid-season. Snooker handicap adjustments will be based on league results and Peter Rook Cup results from the previous winter season, compared with opponents’ ratings and adjusted by the sub-committee, rounded to the nearest multiple of five.

The Executive Committee, in the light of the Committee’s knowledge of the player’s ability may adjust these handicaps. The Committee may authorise an adjustment of handicap immediately for any player new to the game, or other player with an outstanding (good or bad) record. Any adjustment will apply in all billiard league games and in all handicap competitions from the date announced. All handicaps for a season, or half-season, must be ratified at a full Executive Committee meeting.

57. Handicaps will not be used in the Winter League unless a professional player (see rule 39).

58. Result Sheets/Cards are to be completed in the order in which the matches are played, or “marked up” so that the order of matches can be seen.


59. These Rules can in no material way be altered, except at an AGM, or SGM called for that purpose.

This Constitution & Rules revised and amended 16th August 2023
© Copyright to Portsmouth & District Billiards & Snooker Association (PDBSA) 2011.