RESULT SHEETS MUST be FULLY completed and SENT on TIME via WhatsApp.

5 Player Rule can be used up to 4 times.

Summer Division 1 League Table

Updated 26th JulyP5 PlayerWLDFFFAPTS
W/Ville Bananas20200241224
Craneswater A20101201620
Emsworth A20002181818
Portchester X20110171917
Copnor A&E20020162016

Summer Division 1 Results

Division 1 Results Table
18th July
W/Ville Bananas108Copnor A&E
Portchester X711Craneswater A
Emsworth A99Bellair
25th July
Copnor A&E810Portchester X
Craneswater A99Emsworth A
Bellair414W/Ville Bananas
1st August
Portchester XW/Ville Bananas
Emsworth ACopnor A&E
Craneswater ABellair
8th August
Copnor A&ECraneswater A
W/Ville BananasEmsworth A
BellairPortchester X
15th August
Emsworth APortchester X
Craneswater AW/Ville Bananas
BellairCopnor A&E
22nd August
Copnor A&EW/Ville Bananas
Craneswater APortchester X
BellairEmsworth A
29th August
Portchester XCopnor A&E
Emsworth ACraneswater A
W/Ville BananasBellair
5th September
W/Ville BananasPortchester X
Copnor A&EEmsworth A
BellairCraneswater A
12th September
Craneswater ACopnor A&E
Emsworth AW/Ville Bananas
Portchester XBellair
19th September
Copnor A&EBellair
W/Ville BananasCraneswater A
Portchester XEmsworth A