Summer Sixes High Breaks 2024

DivHigh BreakPlayer's NameTeam
Div 164Gavin MenghamEmsworth A
Div 253Dave GloverCopnor D
Div 345Matt SheathAlexandra Bowls
All Breaks over 30
Benzey ConnorW/Ville Bananas59,48,39
Boulton AndyCraneswater A34,38
Chapman RichEmsworth A32
Chino BobCopnor D44
Compton ScottCopnor A&E33
Eden LeeCopnor A&E40,40,38,35,38
Fegan NickEmsworth A40
Glover DaveCopnor D53
Harding GregEmsworth A36
Humphrey LeahCopnor B41
Jaggar PaulBellair38
James MattPortchester X34
Jones GregBellair39
Jones MarkCraneswater A37
Kirby RobCraneswater A31,56
Lee TonyPompey Royals40
Mengham GavinEmsworth A64,37
Norfolk TonyAlexandra B's30
Osbourne AdamCopnor B35
Pittman MarkWaterlooville C31
Rendle WayneW/Ville Bananas44,40
Roberts LukePortchester X30
Sheath MattAlexandra Bowls45
Tingley DustyBellair37
Vernon GrantCraneswater R35
Vernon LarryCraneswater R30
Walters DanielCopnor B34,34
Watson PhilCraneswater A32

Breaks will only count for 30 or more in either singles or double and if recorded on the RESULT SHEET.