24 Teams have registered for the 2023/2024 Winter League. There will be 3 divisions comprising 8 teams each and 4 Peter Rook Cup Groups comprising 6 teams each. Winter league pages on this website will be updated very soon.
Captains are encouraged to pay the flat fee of £40 before the start of the season to avoid fines. All captains are aware there is renewed focus from the Committee on ensuring fees are paid on time. Please avoid fines which will be charged for a late payment. If you are a captain who tends to rely on being chased for payment then please be aware that the Committee will not be sending reminders in the future.
News on Competitions will follow soon from Ioan Moon & Pete Gorvin. I know they are already working hard on setting things up.
In the run up to the new season I will be sending out messages as there have been some minor changes which captains will need to be aware of.
1) New player handicaps will be monitored by the committee in the early weeks and adjusted if appropriate.
2) I have revised the scoresheet which is now generic and covers all 3 seasons (Winter, Summer & Billiards). Captains will soon receive sufficient sheets to last at least a year. These are only to be used for home matches to make them last longer. The new sheet is in Portrait format so that photos on WhatsApp will be easier to read.
3) Handicaps- Following the AGM it was agreed that the maximum start a player can give is 50. If the difference in handicaps is more than 50 then the start will be limited to a maximum of 50. This applies for all Snooker Competitions.
4) Captains are aware of the focus on paying fees on time and this is true also of the end of season invoice for match fees. Captains will have 5 weeks to pay from date of invoice to avoid some quite heavy potential penalties. Again don’t rely on the committee chasing you.
5) Scoresheet Accuracy. Captains are invited to scroll through the scoresheets posted on WhatsApp in past weeks to see the number of sheets that have missing information. We constantly see missing team names, first names only and other sundry missing information. This is no longer acceptable and captains may see some points deductions, in accordance with the rules, during the coming season. I’m sure this trivial issue can be sorted with a little attention to detail.
More detail around all the above will follow between now and 28th September. As always, my virtual door is always open if anyone needs any help etc.
Best wishes all
Gary Curtis Hon. Secretary
16th August 2023