22nd December 2021
Members will know that the new COVID variant ‘Omicron’ is beginning to impact across the UK and has led to some Winter League matches being postponed. There is now a back log of matches to catch up on.
The league is due to resume on 4th/6th January but at this stage the committee are unable to guarantee that this will happen. Clearly we must be guided by Government guidelines with our members safety taking priority at all times. It is likely we will know much more over the next week or so and so the committee will meet via zoom on 3rd January at which point we will announce the way forward. This, with regret, allows little notice for the Tuesday captains and so I have contacted them separately to explain. In addition we don’t know yet if the delays will impact the proposed Peter Rook Cup matches but again we will update on this as soon as we can. We hope that all captains and members will bear with us as you always have since the start of the pandemic. Lets all hope the outlook for 2022 is much improved and we move every nearer to normality once again.
Watch this space for any updates and the captains whatsapp group for news also.
Its just leaves me to say, on behalf of all the committee, have a great Christmas Holiday one and all. Enjoy the festivities with your family and friends and we look forward to seeing you all again across the green baize in 2022. I know I speak for all on the committee in saying a huge thank you to everyone for your continued support for our league.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone and stay safe
Gary Curtis – League Secretary